If you wish to enrol your child please read and understand our terms and conditions for the provision of childcare services. We require a signtaure to confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions so you can download and print a PDF copy of these terms by clicking the PDF icon below, or printing a copy of this page.
Muddy Puddles Childcare Terms and Conditions Download a copy of these Terms and Conditions.
1. Age of the child
The nursery cares for children age from 9 months until your child is eligible to start school.
2. Opening hours
The nursery is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 5.30pm and parents can choose full or part days.
The nursery will close on all bank holidays as well as 2 weeks at Christmas and 2 weeks in August, we will notify of planned closures for holidays in January of each year.
3. Fees and Charges
Fees will be paid by direct debit on the first day of each month, additional to contracted hours will be invoiced at the end of the month and we require this invoice to be paid by bank transfer within 7 days.
Fees payable by the parent/guardian will be charged on a monthly basis by taking the child’s weekly attendance fee, multiplying the same by 48 being the number of chargeable weeks per annum, and dividing by 12 to give a monthly payment which is payable monthly in advance, on the first day of each month by direct debit.
Additional sessions purchased above normal booking if accommodated will be charged at the standard rate. Unused booked sessions are not re-fundable.
No refund will be given in the event of a child’s absence due to illness, holiday or any other reason.
4. Sickness
While the nursery is happy to accept children with coughs and colds, any child who is poorly should be kept at home and be seen by a doctor if appropriate. In cases of vomiting and/or diarrhoea your child cannot return to the nursery until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. Should you child become sick at the nursery we will contact you and ask you to collect your child as soon as possible.
5. Arrears/Late payment
If there are outstanding fees at any time, the nursery reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate childcare services for the child until the situation is rectified
Muddy Puddles will apply a charge of £30 to the child’s fees for an unauthorised cancellation of direct debit payment on the due date, or late payment of agreed fee’s.
6. Food and drink
Muddy Puddles is a small childcare setting and as such does not have facilities to prepare and cook food. We would ask that you supply your child with lunch and 2 healthy snacks if they are with us for a full day. Fresh drinking water is always available however you may wish to supply your own drink in an appropriate cup/bottle.
7. Termination
We require 4 weeks written notice of your intention to leave.
Muddy Puddles reserves the right to terminate a client’s contact and remove the child from the setting for breach of terms and condition and or extreme behaviour.
8. Force Majeure
Muddles Puddles childcare is unable to offer any refunds or compensation for closure or suspension of activities as a result of third party action, such as fire, flood or inclement weather.
9. Personal Property
We ask that children do not bring valuable items into the nursery. Muddy Puddles Childcare cannot be held liable for any loss or damage of any item belonging to the public on the premises
Please sign below to indicate that you agree with our terms and conditions and all of Muddy Puddles policies contained within the starter pack provided.
Parent signature: _____________________________________
Date: ________________________________